Alimentiv has an over 30-year successful history in the design and conduct of early to late-phase inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) clinical trials.

The global prevalence of IBD is increasing. Although major therapeutic advances have been made in IBD, no one therapy is effective for all patients, and a large unmet need remains for more efficacious treatments with favourable safety profiles for both Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Historically, therapeutic efficacy has been measured by improving disease symptoms. However, clinical remission alone does not reduce the risk of long-term complications, such as surgery and hospitalizations. This contrasts with therapies that induce endoscopic mucosal healing, an objective measure of disease activity that, along with patient-reported outcomes, is recognized by regulatory agencies as a critical component of drug approval trials. Additional objective outcomes, including histopathology, are near-future therapeutic targets.

Alimentiv continues to expand its IBD therapeutic expertise and can support your clinical development program through early to late-phase inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) clinical trials

A vast global network of IBD clinical investigators

Highly trained and experienced central endoscopy, histopathology, and radiology readers with expertise in IBD

Global research consortium focused on operationalizing translational medicine research in multicentre clinical trials

Experienced team of clinical research associates

A suite of standard IBD-specific electronic case report forms

Biostatisticians whose expertise in clinical trials ensures high-quality and clinically relevant results

Alimentiv’s history and experience extend beyond the design and conduct of IBD clinical trials. Our academic research has shaped the clinical trial environment. Some of the highlights of this research include:

Systematic evaluation of the operating properties of endoscopic, histologic, and radiologic outcomes for both UC and CD

Publication of multiple consensus recommendations and standardized scoring conventions for the most valid and reliable indices for assessing UC and CD disease activity in collaboration with internationally recognized experts

Conclusive evidence for the role of central endoscopy reading in decreasing placebo rates and increasing the statistical efficiency of clinical trials

Development of novel patient-reported outcome measures for UC and CD

Development and validation of the Robarts Histopathology Index, an outcome measure that is routinely used in current drug development programs to assess histologic mucosal healing in UC

Development of the UC-100, a composite (clinical, endoscopic, and histologic) disease activity index intended for early drug development in UC

Development and validation of MAGNIFI-CD, a magnetic resonance-based outcome measure for the radiologic assessment of peri-anal fistulizing CD activity