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Publication Feb 9, 2022
Responsiveness of Magnetic Resonance Enterography Indices for Evaluation of Luminal Disease Activity in Crohn’s Disease

Brian Feagan, Christopher Ma, Geert D’Haens, Guangyong Zou, Jordi Rimola, Vipul Jairath

Publication Feb 1, 2022
Reliability and responsiveness of endoscopic disease activity assessment in eosinophilic esophagitis

Arjan Bredenoord, Brian Feagan, Christopher Ma, Evan Dellon, Guangyong Zou, Julie Rémillard, Malcolm Hogan, Vipul Jairath

Publication Feb 1, 2022
Responsiveness of a Histologic Scoring System Compared With Peak Eosinophil Count in Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Arjan Bredenoord, Brian Feagan, Christopher Ma, Evan Dellon, Guangyong Zou, Lisa M Shackelton, Stefanie C McFarlane, Vipul Jairath

Publication Jan 25, 2022
Underrepresentation of Minorities and Lack of Race Reporting in Ulcerative Colitis Drug Development Clinical Trials

Christopher Ma, Malcolm Hogan, Rocio Sedano, Vipul Jairath

Publication Jan 18, 2022
Janus Kinase Inhibitors for the Management of Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Brian Feagan, Christopher Ma, Rocio Sedano, Vipul Jairath

Publication Jan 16, 2022
Design of Clinical Trials for Mild to Moderate Ulcerative Colitis

Rocio Sedano, Vipul Jairath