Explore Alimentiv’s Publications

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Publication May 10, 2021
An International Consensus to Standardize Integration of Histopathology in Ulcerative Colitis Clinical Trials

Christopher Ma, Niels Vande Casteele, Vipul Jairath

Publication May 10, 2021
Publications – Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Brian Feagan, Christopher Ma, Geert D’Haens, Vipul Jairath

Publication May 10, 2021
An expert consensus to standardise clinical, endoscopic and histologic items and inclusion and outcome criteria for evaluation of pouchitis disease activity in clinical trials

Brian Feagan, Vipul Jairath

Publication May 10, 2021
Development and Validation of a Clinical Decision Support Tool That Incorporates Pharmacokinetic Data to Predict Endoscopic Healing in Patients Treated With Infliximab

Brian Feagan, Vipul Jairath

Publication May 10, 2021
Reliability of the Endoscopic Ultrasound Ulcerative Colitis (EUS-UC) score for assessment of inflammation in patients with ulcerative colitis

Vipul Jairath

Publication May 6, 2021
Methods for handling missing segments in Crohn’s disease clinical trials: analysis from the EXTEND trial

Brian Feagan, Christopher Ma, Guangyong Zou, Vipul Jairath