Articles Different Types of Clinical Trial Designs Clinical trial designs can be classified into several categories, each with its unique characteristics and objectives. This guide provides a broad look at the many clinical trial designs available. It suggests the most suitable designs for specific research objectives and highlights their key features, benefits, and considerations. Different Types of Clinical Trial Designs – Part 1 Different Types of Clinical Trial Designs – Part 2 Different Types of Clinical Trial Designs – Part 3 Different Types of Clinical Trial Designs – Part 4 Final Thoughts Different Types of Clinical Trial Designs – Part 1 What is an Observational Study? An observational study is one in which there is no treatment or intervention under the control of the investigators or study sponsors; instead, researchers simply observe and collect data on the participants. There may be active observation (e.g. taking laboratory samples) but no influence of treatments or interventions by those involved with the study. These designs can either be prospective, following a group of people forward in time, or retrospective, looking back in time at a group of people’s past data. An observational study design is used to observe and measure the outcomes of a group of individuals without modifying the factors that may influence the outcome. This type of study design is used to identify associations between exposures and outcomes. They are often used to identify risk factors for a particular disease or condition and to generate hypotheses for future studies. Observational designs also may be used in situations where it may be unethical to actively influence participants into an intervention (e.g. a study of tobacco smoking could not make randomly-chosen participants to smoke tobacco given the known health risks). The two main types of observational study designs are cohort studies and case-control studies. What are Cohort Studies? Cohort studies are a type of observational study which involve choosing participants based on their exposure to one or more risk factors of interest. Cohorts of participants are enrolled that have been and have not been exposed to the risk factors of interest. In a prospective cohort design, then researchers monitor any changes in the participants’ health or behaviour while collecting data at regular intervals. In a retrospective design, these cohorts’ medical histories and current conditions/illnesses are examined to determine are patterns between exposure and illness. These designs are useful for identifying risk factors for a certain illness or condition as well as for gauging the success of therapies. What are Case-Control Studies? Case-control studies are a kind of retrospective observational study that, are used to explore the relationship between risk factors of interest for a particular disease or condition. Researchers select individuals who have a condition of interest and also select a control group of individuals that do not have that condition but are otherwise fairly similar. These two groups are then compared to identify which participants were exposed to the risk factors in question to determine whether there appears to be an association between the risk factors and diseases/conditions. What are Cross-Sectional Studies? Cross-sectional studies are a type of observational research design used to investigate a particular population or a group of people at a specific point in time. These studies aim to gather information about a population or a subgroup within it without following individuals over a long period. Unlike cohort and case-control studies, a cross-sectional study only enrolls participants based on the specified inclusion/exclusion criteria, rather than specifically targeting participants based on risk exposure (cohort) or illness/condition (case-control). Enrolled participants have all their data collected through surveys, interviews, and observations at one time, including any exposures and conditions/outcomes of interest. This type of design is useful exploring the prevalence of diseases, health behaviors, attitudes and characteristics within a population, as ideally a cross-sectional design provides a representative group of participants who reflect the overall population. By examining the relationship between different variables at a specific point in time, researchers can identify correlations, assess risk factors and generate hypotheses for further investigation. However, it is important to note that cross-sectional studies cannot establish causality or determine the temporal sequence of events. They provide a snapshot of the population at one moment and cannot assess the cause-effect relationship or the development of outcomes over time. For that reason, cross-sectional studies are often followed by longitudinal studies to investigate causal relationships and changes in variables over an extended period. What is an Interventional Study? Interventional studies are used to test the efficacy and safety of new treatments, interventions or procedures. In this type of prospective study, the treatment or intervention is under the control of the investigators or study sponsors, who use manipulation of one or more factors (usually by randomization) to determine cause-and-effect relationships. There are many forms of interventional studies, with randomized controlled trials as one of the most popular. What is a Randomized Controlled Trial? A form of interventional study, Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) are often considered the gold standard in clinical research as they provide the strongest evidence for causality while reducing bias. In an RCT, participants are randomly assigned to a treatment, at least one of which is an active treatment and at least one of which is a control. Active groups receive the intervention(s) being tested, while control groups receive a placebo or standard of care. The outcomes of the active and control groups are then compared. RCTs are designed to minimize bias and are particularly useful for providing compelling evidence for evaluating the efficacy and safety of new interventions. They can, however, be expensive and time consuming to conduct and may not be appropriate for all types of research questions. What is a Block Design? A block design study is a type of randomized trial in which participants are randomized within groups into blocks based on certain pre-specified characteristics such as age or disease stage. Within each block, participants are randomly assigned to a treatment group, independent of the treatment assignments in other blocks. The goal of this design is to reduce the potential for bias by ensuring that there are similar numbers of participants on each treatment for key characteristics that are suspected to affect the outcome. Example: A study is being done both within the U.S. and in Europe with a blocked design that treats “region” as a block. Thus, this study randomizes participants separately within the U.S. and within Europe to balance of treatments/interventions is approximately the same within each region. If a blocked design weren’t used, then it could be possible for all participants in Europe to receive an experimental treatment while all participants in the U.S. receive a control, which may make inference more difficult. Different Types of Clinical Trial Designs – Part 2 What is a Stratified Sampling? Stratified designs are similar to but distinct from block designs, though they are often confused for one another. Stratified designs are based on defining participants by some key characteristics (e.g., age or disease state) and controlling enrollment based on these factors. Frequently, the outcomes of each stratum are then compared. The goal of this design is to ensure that the sample for the study matches a pre-determined distribution of the stratification factors. Importantly, a stratification factor does not necessarily impact randomization or treatment assignment, though it may. (The above refers to the strict definition of a stratified design, which is one that utilizes stratified sampling. Adding to the confusion between block designs and stratified designs, “stratified randomization” is a term that is largely analogous to block design.) Example: A study stratified by region (U.S. or Europe) limits enrollment so that 50% of the sample are participants from the U.S. and 50% are participants from Europe; this stratification would not influence randomization to treatment at all, unless the study was also a block design. What is a Factorial Design? A factorial design study is a type of trial in which multiple interventions are tested simultaneously. Participants are randomized to different groups receiving various combinations of treatments. This design allows researchers to assess the impact of individual interventions as well as potential interactions between them. Factorial trials can efficiently evaluate multiple treatment strategies within a single study, saving time and resources. When planned and executed properly they can provide two or more studies’ worth of information in a single study but require care and reasonable confidence that treatments do not interact heavily. Frequently, “factorial design” typically refers to a full factorial design, where all possible combinations of interventions are assigned to participants. Partial or fractional factorial designs are ones in which not all possible combinations of interventions are assigned and must be very carefully planned to avoid imbalance or bias. Example: A pain study that attempts to distinguish between Drug X and Drug Y for pain, as well as examining the effects when subjects are provided regular physiotherapy or not. Subjects can therefore be assigned to one of four conditions: Drug X + Physiotherapy; Drug Y + Physiotherapy; Drug X + No physiotherapy; Drug Y + No physiotherapy. This is a full factorial design. What is a Minimization Randomization? Minimization randomization is a type of randomization technique that is somewhat similar to block designs. The goal of minimization randomization is to minimize the imbalance in each randomized arm based on pre-specified strata. When a new subject enters the study, the subject is hypothetically added to each arm, one at a time, and the imbalance score of that arm calculated based on a pre-determined equation. The arms are then weighted so that the subject is more likely (or required) to be randomized to the arm(s) with the lowest imbalance score. This technique is particularly useful in small studies with several characteristics of interest where randomization alone may not be sufficient to achieve balance. Example: A study is performing minimization randomization based on age (< 50, ≥ 50) and region (North America or South America). A new subject that is 60 years old and lives in South America is enrolled; the algorithm will temporarily assign the subject to each treatment arm, one at a time, and calculate an imbalance score. Generally (depending on the specific equation used), arms that have fewer subjects aged ≥ 50 and in South America will have lower imbalance scores, and it is more likely this subject will be randomized to those arms. What is a Crossover Design? A crossover design study is a type of trial where the participants receive more than one intervention in different periods of time. Each participant receives each treatment in a predetermined order with a washout period between treatments. This design is particularly useful when studying chronic conditions or evaluating long-term interventions. Most frequently, this type of design is used to test a participant’s response on both an experimental intervention and a control; in this case, they are a type of Randomized Control Trial. Crossover trials can help minimize inter-patient variability and provide valuable insights into treatment effectiveness within individuals. The goal of this design is to determine the effects of the treatment over time and to control for individual differences. What is a Matched Design / Matched Pair Design? A matched design study is another type of trial where the participants are matched based on their similarities in certain characteristics such as age or disease stage. Matched designs require there to be only two interventions; when one is a control, then they are a type of Randomized Control Trial. The matched participants are then randomly assigned such that the two pair members are on different interventions. These trials must be designed with care; how subjects are matched with one another can have a significant impact on the study results. Matching may be based on specific factors or on a more complex technique like propensity scores. This study design serves a similar purpose to a crossover design but can be used when a crossover design is not feasible. The goal of this design is to ensure that the groups are as similar as possible, reducing the potential for bias if the factors used for matching account for a good amount of inter-subject variability in treatment effect. Matched design principles are also sometimes applied to retrospective or observational datasets, by creating the study sample out of pairs of closely-matched subjects on different interventions in order to attempt to create “balanced” samples of each intervention from the data. How well this works to reduce bias is largely reliant on the matching method and how well the matching factors relate to the outcomes. What is an Enriched Design? An enriched design study is a type of trial study enrollment is biased in favour of or restricted to individuals who are expected to benefit from the intervention being tested. This design is used to increase the efficiency of the study by focusing on the population most likely to benefit from the intervention. Frequently, enrichment is performed based on a biomarker (e.g. a cancer protein or genome known to be related to treatment effect) or on participant performance during a screening period (e.g. a study of a pain medicine may not enroll subjects who respond too strongly to a placebo during screening). Example: A prior study shows that subjects who are age 60 or older appear to respond more strongly to Drug X. A new study uses an enriched design by enrolling mostly subjects who are age 60 or older. What is a Repeated Measures Design? A repeated measures design study is a type of trial where the same participants’ outcomes are measured multiple times over a period of time. This design is used to determine the effects of the intervention over time and to control for individual differences. Repeated measures are useful by allowing the capture of more information from the same number of subjects; there are statistical models that can leverage the repeated measurements to provide more precise estimates of effects over time. Repeated measures are also important when studying time-to-event data in order to ensure that information about when events occur are sufficiently precise. A crossover design is one example of a repeated measures design. Frequently, when “repeated measures” is brought up in common usage, it refers to designs where subjects’ measurements on one or more variables are captured on a regular and frequent basis (e.g. monthly). While, technically, a design where a variable is only measured twice (before and after treatment, or once on treatment A and once on treatment B) is a repeated measures design, the common use of the term implies more frequent assessment.Example: Subjects on Drug X are being monitored for signs of cancer remission. Lesion size and RECIST evaluation grade are captured for each subject every two months until two years post-treatment or remission occurs. Different Types of Clinical Trial Designs – Part 3 What is a Dose Escalation Design? A dose escalation design study is a type of trial used early in drug development that begins with a low dose of the treatment and slowly gives participants stronger doses to attempt to find the maximum tolerated dose. There are numerous types of dose escalation designs, such as 3+3 and accelerated titration. These designs are used to determine the safety and efficacy of different doses of the intervention. What is a 3+3 Design? A form of dose escalation design that is somewhat common in Phase I trials for oncology. First, 3 participants are given a low dose of the experimental treatment and monitored for pre-specified toxicity events. If 0 participants experience one of these toxicity events, then the next group of 3 participants is enrolled at a higher dose. If 2 or 3 participants experience toxicity, then the next group of 3 participants is enrolled at a lower dose (or the study ends). If 1 participant experiences toxicity, another group of 3 participants is enrolled at the same dose (hence the name, 3+3): if 1 or more of those participants experience toxicity, then the dose is lowered for the next group of the study ends. Otherwise, if 0 of the additional participants experience toxicity, the next group is enrolled at a higher dose. 3+3 designs are often used because of their fairly early-to-follow approach to dose escalation—investigators or clinicians can follow a simple flowchart for how each cohort of 3 participants should be enrolled, without the need for random assignment or computer algorithms. Research has shown, however, that 3+3 designs do not accurately determine the maximum tolerated dosage in many circumstances, and that other, modified designs (such as accelerated titration) are more effective. Further Reading: What is an Accelerated Titration Design? An accelerated titration design study is a form of dose escalation study design that is used in Phase I, often in oncology; these trial designs aim to fulfill a similar goal as 3+3 designs (finding the maximum tolerated dose), but in a more efficient manner that results in fewer participants receiving sub-therapeutic doses of treatment. Accelerated titration designs vary significantly but tend to emphasize a more aggressive approach to the early portion of the study when participants are on lower doses. These designs appear to better balance the detection of the maximum tolerated dose with the efficiency of the study design and may result in fewer participants being under-treated. Example: One kind of accelerated titration design enrolls only one participant at each dosage until the first toxicity event, at which point larger cohort sizes may be used to examine that dosage and higher doses to determine safety. Accelerated titration designs may also allow for intrapatient dose escalation, where a participant on a lower dose may be escalated to a higher dose if no toxicity is observed. What are Adaptive/Adaptive by Design Trials? Adaptive by design studies are a type of trial that allows for modifications to be made to the study design, such as the sample size or dosages or even which interventions are being used, based on the results of the study. These kinds of designs are used to increase the efficiency and power of the study. Adaptive trials are dynamic and flexible due to allowing modifications to be made based on interim or ongoing results. These designs enable researchers to refine their hypotheses and study protocols in response to accumulating data. Adaptive trials can maximize efficiency, reduce costs, and accelerate the development of new treatments by adapting to emerging evidence. By building adaptiveness into the study design from the beginning, studies maximize data-gathering and minimize resource costs. Adaptive by design techniques may have interim analyses to confirm sample size estimates, opportunities to remove treatment arms that are performing suboptimally, the ability to seamlessly transition from one clinical development phase to another, or computer models that are used in dose-finding to determine each subsequent dose based on the efficacy and toxicity of previous doses. Adaptive designs need to be carefully designed to maximize their potential while ensuring participant safety and adherence to regulatory guidance. Benefits of Adaptive Designs include: Although adaptive designs are more complex, investing in them can offer many potential benefits including: Increasing the trial’s probability of successfully detecting a treatment difference Faster “go/no-go” decisions (stopping trials for ineffective or unsafe drugs more quickly) Reducing the overall time and cost of the trial Reducing required resources Better dosing and frequency decisions Reducing time to market Increasing efficiencies Delivering the right drug to the right patients, improving patient safety Further Reading:Why Aren’t More Clinical Trials Using Adaptive Designs?Different Types of Clinical Trial Designs FDA guidance on adaptive designs: What is a Basket Study Design? A type of study design most commonly used for cancer treatments. In a basket design, a single treatment is used for several different cohorts (“baskets”) of participants with different but related diseases or conditions, such as. differing types of cancer with the same mutation. These designs are useful in determining whether a treatment appears to function across variations in a disease or whether there are specific subgroups that experience the greatest or least treatment effect. What is an Umbrella Study Design? Umbrella designs can be viewed as a counterpart of basket designs. In an umbrella design, participants all have variations of the same disease, such as a single type of cancer with multiple mutations, and are given different treatments/interventions based on the variant. This design may also be applied based on predictive risk factors in addition to/other than disease variants. Umbrella designs allow for efficient testing of multiple treatments in patients with specific genetic mutations. What is a Platform Study Design? A platform study design is a type of trial that uses a common infrastructure and patient population to test multiple interventions simultaneously against a common control group. This design allows for the efficient testing of multiple interventions and the sharing of resources. Platform trials are carefully designed with pre-specified rules for adaptation to allow for the addition of new arms, removal of ineffective or undesirable arms, and multiple interim analyses or data looks. These trials are often designed to continue for a long or indefinite period. May also be referred to as Multi-Arm Multi-Stage (MAMS) designs. Different Types of Clinical Trial Designs – Part 4 What is the Intent-to-Treat Principle / Population? An intent-to-treat population or a study design using the intent-to-treat principle is one in which all participants are analyzed according to the group to which they were originally assigned, regardless of whether they completed the study or remained on the assigned treatment or not. This design is used to control for dropouts, participants who do not adhere to treatment, sites that make treatment errors, and to ensure that the treatment groups are comparable. Ideally, ITT consideration of subjects and data provides a less biased analysis of treatment effects, as it may reduce the possibility of bias introduced by treatment changes during the study. ITT helps keep the “fairness” of the original randomization by ignoring treatment crossover or dropout by subjects who are not responding to treatment. True ITT analysis requires continuing to follow and measure subjects who withdraw from treatment or drop out of the study, which may pose difficulties. Ignoring issues with treatment adherence or protocol deviations may also obscure some effects; for instance, if a subject assigned to active treatment is accidentally given a placebo during the study, ITT analysis will underestimate the true effect of the treatment. ITT analysis is often desired or required by regulatory authorities. Due to its drawbacks, however, it can also be important to define other study populations to allow for the examination of the data from alternate lenses. For example, safety analyses often consider subjects who have had any exposure to the active treatment under consideration as “active treatment” subjects to summarize adverse events. What is Real-World Data? Real-world data (RWD) is data collected outside of traditional clinical trial settings, such as electronic health records or patient-generated data. Real-world data are used in a study to generate real-world evidence on the safety and efficacy of treatments and interventions in a real-world setting. RWD can be appealing since it may require fewer resources to collect than bespoke data from a study; however, many facets such as data collection and cleanliness need to be carefully considered to result in useful data. Link to the FDA page on RWD/RWE: What is Real-World Evidence? Real-world evidence (RWE) refers to evidence derived from real-world patient experiences, including their health outcomes, treatment patterns, and the impact of interventions. That is, RWE is the result of accumulating and analyzing RWD. RWE is gaining prominence in the field of healthcare and research. It offers valuable insights into the effectiveness, safety, and value of medical interventions in real-world settings. Clinical trials, while essential, have limitations in terms of their controlled environments and selected patient populations. RWE provides a broader understanding of how treatments and interventions perform in diverse patient populations, beyond the controlled settings of clinical trials. RWE helps identify gaps in knowledge, inform treatment guidelines, and support healthcare policies that optimize patient outcomes. RWE can be obtained by analyzing real-world data from a wide range of sources. Electronic health records (EHRs) capture patient data during routine clinical encounters, offering valuable insights into treatment patterns and outcomes. Claims databases contain information on diagnoses, procedures and prescriptions, providing a comprehensive overview of patient care. Patient registries focus on specific diseases or conditions, tracking long-term outcomes and treatment effectiveness. Additionally, wearable devices and mobile health apps generate real-time data on patient behaviours and health indicators. All of these sources provide RWD that can be organized, cleaned, and analyzed to create RWE. Link to the FDA page on RWD/RWE: What is a Parallel-group trial? A parallel-group (or parallel-arm) trial is a common research design used in clinical trials. It involves the random assignment of participants into two or more groups, each receiving a different intervention or treatment. Often there will be at least one experimental group that receives the treatment being tested, and at least one control group that receives a placebo or standard of care treatment. The outcomes of the randomly assigned treatments are then analyzed, usually by comparing results between arms. Randomization is a crucial aspect of parallel-group trials. It ensures that participants are assigned to intervention groups in a random and unbiased manner, reducing the potential for confounding variables. Randomization generally helps achieve a balanced distribution of participant characteristics across groups, increasing the reliability of the study’s findings. The purpose of parallel-group trials is to assess the efficacy, safety, or other relevant outcomes of each intervention in a controlled and scientifically rigorous manner. Parallel-group trials offer several advantages in clinical research. First, they provide a robust design for comparing the effectiveness of different interventions. Second, randomization helps minimize bias and confounding variables, enhancing the internal validity of the study. Third, parallel-group trials can be conducted in various settings, making them applicable to different research scenarios. However, a limitation of this type of trial is the potential for dropout or non-compliance among participants, which can affect the validity of the study results. Additionally, parallel-group trials may not be suitable for evaluating certain interventions, such as those with long-term or cumulative effects. Finally, parallel-group trials may not be the most efficient or powerful design for many settings and may require larger sample sizes. What is a Cluster-randomized trial? Cluster-randomized trials have emerged as a robust methodology to ensure research validity in scenarios where individual randomization is either impractical or ethically unviable. In a cluster-randomized trial, participants are grouped into clusters—such as geographical regions, healthcare facilities, or educational institutions—and then each cluster is randomized (e.g. an entire geographical region would be randomized to a single treatment for all participants in that region). By grouping and randomizing participants in this manner, researchers can attain a more holistic perspective on the effects of interventions and can overcome obstacles that impede the traditional approach. This powerful design not only ensures methodological rigour but also opens up new avenues for conducting impactful studies. One primary advantage of cluster-randomized trials is their feasibility when dealing with real-world settings. In certain scenarios, it may be logistically challenging or ethically inappropriate to randomize individuals. Other advantages such as reduced contamination and optimized statistical power also make cluster-randomized trials a valuable approach. What is a N-of-1 trial? An N-of-1 trial is a type of trial in which a single patient receives a series of interventions in a randomized, crossover design. This design is used to determine the best treatment for an individual patient. Unlike traditional clinical trials that involve a group of participants, N-of-1 trials focus on a single patient. An N-of-1 trial is a refocusing from a treatment’s effect on a general or “average” population and instead a narrowing of focus to treat an individual patient’s well-being and health as the primary concern of the trial. In an N-of-1 trial, the patient serves as their own control, meaning they undergo a series of treatment periods where they receive both the experimental treatment and a placebo or alternative treatment in a randomized and blinded manner. The treatment periods are typically repeated multiple times to gather sufficient data for analysis. These trials aim to provide personalized evidence regarding the effectiveness of a treatment for a particular patient. They are particularly useful in cases where individual variation in treatment response or rare conditions make it challenging to apply generalized research findings to an individual’s specific situation. The data collected from N-of-1 trials can help guide treatment decisions by providing detailed information about how an individual responds to a specific intervention. What are Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses? Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are research methods used to synthesize and analyze existing scientific literature on a particular topic, providing a comprehensive and robust summary of the available evidence. A systematic review involves a rigorous and structured approach to identify, select, and critically appraise relevant studies that address a specific research question. Researchers systematically search multiple databases, screen and assess the quality of studies, extract data and analyze the findings. By using predefined criteria and transparent methodology, systematic reviews aim to minimize bias and provide a useful overview of the available evidence. Meta-analysis is a statistical technique used to combine the results from multiple studies included in a systematic review. It involves pooling the data from individual studies to calculate summary effect sizes and estimating the overall treatment effect or association between variables. Meta-analysis can increase statistical power and precision by analyzing a larger sample size than any single study, which can lead to more reliable and generalizable conclusions. By synthesizing the findings of multiple studies, these methods may enable researchers and practitioners to draw more robust conclusions about the effectiveness of interventions, the prevalence of conditions, or the associations between variables. It’s important to note that the quality of a systematic review and meta-analysis heavily depends on the quality of the included studies, the rigour of the methodology and the transparency of reporting. Well-conducted systematic reviews and meta-analyses follow established guidelines and adhere to strict methodological standards to ensure the reliability and validity of findings. What are Non-Inferiority Trials? Non-inferiority trials are a type of clinical research study designed that tries to determine whether a new treatment is not significantly worse than an established or standard treatment by a predefined margin. This is in contrast to traditional superiority trials, which aim to demonstrate that a new treatment is superior to an existing one. A non-inferiority approach is often used in situations where demonstrating superiority over an established treatment may be challenging due to ethical concerns, high cost, or practical limitations. Researchers conduct non-inferiority trials by first defining a non-inferiority margin or the maximum difference they consider clinically acceptable. After the trial is complete, statistical analyses are then performed to determine whether the new treatment falls within this margin compared to the standard treatment. If the new treatment is shown within the bounds of statistical significance to have a treatment effect that is not less effective than the standard treatment by more than the non-inferiority margin, then it is considered non-inferior. Non-inferiority trials are relevant when evaluating new interventions that may offer additional benefits such as improved safety profiles, ease of administration or cost-effectiveness, helping to expand treatment options, and guiding clinical decision-making, but may not be superior to the standard treatment or would require a prohibitively large study to show superiority. They are also useful in situations where it may not be ethical to conduct traditional superiority trials. Final thoughts In part 4 of a 4-part series on the different types of clinical trial designs, we continue to explore how a variety of clinical trial designs can be used to generate reliable evidence about the safety and efficacy of new treatments. As previously stated in parts 1,2 and 3, the selection of a trial design should be based on the specific research objectives, the nature of the intervention being tested, the target population, available resources, and ethical considerations. Since each design has its own unique features and considerations, study design decisions should be made collaboratively using input from trial stakeholders, subject matter experts, and statistical experts to not only understand the strengths and limitations of each but to also ensure that the chosen design is the best fit for the goals of the study. As medical knowledge advances, it is important for researchers to continue exploring innovative trial designs that adapt to emerging evidence, maximize efficiency and ultimately lead to improvements in overall patient care.